属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
1 | 她曾怀有成为电影明星的梦想。 | She had nourished the dream of becoming a movie star. | |
2 | 今天我们正做的是我们的前人做梦都未想过的。 | What we do today is something never dream of by our forefathers. | |
3 | 另一个矛盾的主题是劳伦斯的“领袖梦”的体现:一个男人必将居于主宰支配地位,而另一方则将以门徒的身份向他俯首听命。 | A contradictory theme is Lawrence’s “dream of leadership”: one man shall dominate, the other live in submissive discipleship to him. | |
4 | 刘:我小时侯曾梦想当飞行员,但是这个梦想破灭了,所以,当我听到有一本书叫《战斗机》时,我想方设法去找这本书。 | Liu: I had a dream of becoming a fighter pilot from my childhood. When I heard that there was a book titled"fighter", I was determined to find it. | |
5 | 没有人会想到对他提退休的事。 | No one would dream of suggesting retirement to him. | |
6 | 蒙哥马利原来打算先挺进鲁尔区再直捣柏林,现在这个目标同他的梦想相距甚远。 | The objective fell far short of Montgomery’s dream of racing into the Ruhr and thence to Berlin. | |
7 | 蒙哥马利原来打算先挺进鲁尔区再直捣柏林的,现在这个目标同他的梦想相距甚远,但有希望得到一个战略基地以备日后再试。 | The objective fell far short of montgomery’s dream of racing into the Ruhr and thence to Berlin, but it promised a strategic base for a later try | |
8 | 梦想中的理想之国,那里人人富有 | to dream of a never-never land where everyone is rich | |
9 | 米歇尔自己的话“我的梦想不是当一个传媒大亨,而是要建立起一个既不以欧洲、也不以美国为中心的真正意义上的全球性媒体公司。” | In his own words I am not realising a dream to become a media mogul, and I am realising my dream of creating a truly global media company that is neither European nor American-centric | |
10 | 那些大国梦想进一步在东方扩张。 | Those Powers dream of further aggrandizement in the East | |
11 | 你读过《红楼梦》吗 | Have you read"A Dream of Red Mansions"? | |
12 | 盼望一个充满生气的新时代到来的美梦就必然破灭。 | The dream of a new era of creativity would in all probability evaporate | |
13 | 普通的工资收入者,过着平淡的生活,从挣得的工资中拿出一小部分,使得那种要在生活中实现某种奇妙变化的梦想时时刻刻活跃在心头。 | The average wage-earner, who leads a colourless existence, devotes a small percentage of his earnings to keep alive with extraordinary constancy the dream of achieving some magic change in his life | |
14 | 其中只有一个人将实现我们的共同梦想。那只能是我。这不仅是我的梦想;它还是我的学生、我的家人和我的社区的梦想。 | Only one of us would have our dream fulfilled. It had to be me. Not only was this my dream; it was the dream of my students, my family and my community. | |
15 | 然而10年后,阿拉法特没来得及看到自己的建国梦想成为现实,就永远离开了人世。 | Yet a decade later, Arafat died without seeing his dream of a Palestinian homeland come true. | |
16 | 让世界上永远没有战争还只是一个梦想。 | The dream of a world without war is yet to be fulfilled. | |
17 | 人们向往更美好的未来。 | People dream of a better future | |
18 | 如果是梦是一种希望、是一个过程,而公园是梦想落实的地方。那么梦公园就是我们心里梦想的新世界 | If a dream is a hope, a process, and a park is a place where the dream materializes, then Dream Park is a new world we dream of . | |
19 | 上大学一直是我的一个梦想,但进了大学并没有消除我内心的紧张,也没有给我带来自信。如今我已经修完了96个学分,还需再修33个。 | It has always been a dream of mine to go to college, but that didn’t lessen the butterflies in my stomach, or my lack of confidence. Today I have completed 96 credits and I have 33 more to go. | |
20 | 试析陈其泰《桐花凤阁评<红楼梦>》之人物论 | About Chen Qitai’s Point of Views on the Character of a Dream of Red Manisons | |
21 | 他抱有成为大作家的梦想。 | He nursed the dream of becoming a great writer. | |
22 | 他当演员的梦想终于实现了。 | He finally realized his dream of becoming an actor. | |
23 | 他当医生的愿望实现了。 | His dream of being a doctor has come true. | |
24 | 他根本不相信算命人的预言,更不梦想有任何发财的捷径。 | He gave very little thought to the prediction of the fortune-teller, and didn’t dream of any short-cut to fortune. | |
25 | 他居然梦想当作家这件事使全家人特别是他的母亲很为反感,她本人就是一位有著作问世的小说家和游记作家。 | The fact that he dared dream of becoming an author scandalized his family, particularly his mother, who was by this time a published novelist and travel writer herself | |
26 | 他肯定发现,海都成功的反抗预示着他妄想称霸世界的美梦破灭。 | He must have seen Kaida’s successful opposition as a portent of the collapse of his dream of a universal empire | |
27 | 他们读过《红楼梦》。 | They have read "A Dream of Red Mansion ." | |
28 | 他实现了他毕生的愿望。 | He realized the dream of his life time. | |
29 | 他说,赚钱是为了实现他的艺术梦想,他创作的艺术作品,融进了他60年的生命经历和对艺术生活的理解,既有他的情感,又有他对生命的完美追求。 | He says, earning money is for attaining his dream of art. He has integrated his 60-year-long life experience and his understanding of art containing both his affection and aspiration with his art works. | |
30 | 他在早年就实现了大多数男孩子的梦想,即凭借体育上的成功来摆脱贫困的处境。 | Early in his life he was able to realise a dream of most poor boys, the dream that the way out of the poverty trap is through success in sport |